PANTOMIMED - vertaling naar arabisch
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PANTOMIMED - vertaling naar arabisch



إِيمائِيَّة ; فَنُّ الإِيماء

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Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor PANTOMIMED
1. Iqueta pantomimed incomprehensibly,
Eight in Three Weeks, and Other Early Stories _ David Pablo Cohn _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor PANTOMIMED
1. Waruch pantomimed for the man to put his hands in the air.
2. When he discussed his training with a Kalashnikov rifle, he pantomimed a rifle attack.
3. There was no interpreter, Parre said, so he and an American soldier pantomimed their way through a discussion of Jamals condition.
4. These children are the actors of the Rainbow (L‘Arcobaleno) Theater productions, which focuses on pantomimed dance, and expressing emotions through body language.
5. There was no interpreter, Parre said, so he and an American soldier pantomimed their way through a discussion of Jamal‘s condition.